Isabel Larrañaga Ramírez

Venerable Isabel of the Heart of Jesus
Born 19 November 1836
Manila, Philippines
Died 17 January 1899 Havana, Cuba
Honored in Roman Catholic Church
Feast 17 January

Isabel Larrañaga Ramirez (aka "Isabel of the Heart of Jesus") is a Venerable in the Roman Catholic Church. She was born in Manila, Philippines. Her cause for beatification is currently underway with saint protocol number: 994. She is the foundress of The Sisters of Charity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.The actors for her cause is Hermanas de la Caridad del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús of Spain.


Venerable Isabel Ramirez was born on 19 November 1836 in Manila, Philippines.

Cause of Beatification

In 17 December 1982 her Beatification cause was formally opened by Pope John Paul II; thereby, bestowing upon her the title of "Servant of God ISABEL LARRAÑAGA RAMÍREZ, ("ISABEL OF THE HEART OF JESUS")". Seventeen Years later on 26 March 1999, Servant of God Ramirez was elevated to venerable by Pope John Paul II.
